
lördag 7 februari 2015

Sticky Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

I am SO happy to share this recipe with everyone, this is just a ''let's bake cinnamon rolls'' recipe, very spontaneously, and I didn't have ANY recipe to go after. And they turned out great on the first try? How? I have no idea. 
Gosh what I have missed cinnamon rolls, that's like the best thing that exist. Now I can eat them without feeling guilty, raise my blood sugar or hurt my body! They are gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, yeast free and they are super simple and fast to make. If that wasn't enough they also are pretty low in calories, 68 calories each (if you get 9 rolls). Dream treat. 
They maybe look hard on the outside but when you take a bite they are all goey and doughy. I have so much ideas for these so stay tuned... 
So anyways, if you like doughy cinnamon rolls this is defiantly a recipe for you, don't fear the pumpkin! #pumpkineverything 

Sticky Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls:
(Makes 9  rolls     |     Gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, yeast free )

Ingredients dough:
130g pumpkin puree
25g oat flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
2 tbsp almond flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp stevia
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder
a very small pinch of salt
1 tbsp (10g) coconut oil

Ingredients filling:
3 fresh dates (50g)
1/2 tbsp almond flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
10g (a smal hand) pecans

Method: Put oven on 175 celsius and prepare a baking tray with a non-stick baking sheet. 
Melt the coconut oil and pour in a bowl with all the other ingredients for the dough, stir with a spoon.
When the dough has become harder start to form it a little with your hands. 
Transfer the dough to the baking sheet and form a rectangle. Use your flat of the hand and make it thinner, about 1 inch or less thick. 
Next step is to make the filling. 

Filling: Pitt your dates and prepare a mixer, while the mixer is on drop each date until they become sticky (You may need to take them up with a spoon and drop them over and over sometimes, depends on what mixer you use, and remember, watch your hands).
When they are sticky enough put the ''date paste'' in a little bowl and stir in almond flour and cinnamon, mix together with a fork. Smear the date paste all out to the corners over the cinnamon dough, chop your pecan and sprinkle over. 
Then it's time to roll. Roll the tallest side and take help from the baking sheet (picture below). When done, cut dough into 9 pieces and put them so the date paste is uppermost. Put into oven for about 10 minutes then they are ready to eat! 

Tip: Drizzle some agave/maple syrup or walden farms calorie free syrup over the buns. 
You can make a healthy and fast protein glaze of 1 tbsp vanilla protein powder, 1 tbsp quark/greek yogurt, some stevia and 1 tsp water. 

onsdag 4 februari 2015

Vanilla/White Chocolate Almond Butter

I truly do think that nut butter is the meaning of life. Not very nice from God tho to make it that high in calories.. 
Today I did my second nut butter, last time I did nutella (a lighter version ofc, with hazelnuts and cacao and so on), 
it was tasty, but the recipe needed som smoothyness (actually not a real word) so I will work a little bit on that recipe!
ANYWAY, today I did this instead, a vanilla/white chocolate almond butter. 
It's filled with protein both from nuts and from the protein powder, has the same calories as peanut butter or any other nut butter (around 100 calories each tbsp, 16g). And. It's freaking delicious. 
If you're a fan of almond butter you need to try this, ok, no doubt. 

Vanilla/White Chocolate Almond Butter:
(Makes 415g almond butter, 1 very heaped jar    |     Sugar free)

400g almonds 
4 tbsp (20g) vanilla white chocolate protein powder (I used fitnessguru's) 
2 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 pinch sea salt
1 tbsp (5g) shredded cocoa butter 
2 tsp coconut sugar 

Method: Please read notes before you begin. 
Put your almonds in a food processor (or in a mixer) and start to mix.
First it will look like a flour but just keep mixing until it becomes smoother and smoother (Look att how-to-pictures below). 
Mix, mix and mix and if needed scrape down the edges with a spoon so all of the nuts touch the blades. It can take around 15 minutes until it becomes smooth. 

When your butter has become smooth pour in vanilla extract, the protein powder and sea salt and mix until smooth and until all is blended. 
Grate your cocoa butter on a grater and measure it. 
Melt your cocoa butter on very low heat using the double boiler method (swedish: vattenbad). When melted pour into the mixer with the almond butter and start to mix again. 
When the cacao butter is mixed in pour in the coconut sugar, and well, mix again until smooth. 
Transfer your butter into a jar and store closed in the fridge. 

  • You will need a good patience. When you start to mix it will just look lika a flour and you first thought will be ''this will never work'' but I promise, with a little patience!
  • You should use a food processor BUT it do works with a powerful mixer, I used a mixer but it takes longer time and you need to have one of the more expensive mixers or it can get overheated and broken. 
  • You can sub coconut sugar with example brown sugar but I wouldn't go for stevia. 
  • If you don't have white chocolate protein powder you can use regular vanilla protein powder but then you should call it just vanilla almond butter. 
  • 1 tbsp (16g) is 99 calories ish