
måndag 22 december 2014


I don't know what to say.. I searched around on the internet looking for a caramel sauce recipe 
(caramel is on my top list of cravings what can i say..)  I have tried with dates a couple of times but it always ends up bad. Then I found a recipe with coconut milk, and i just felt like I found my one and only. I changed the recipe a little and then this was created!
It literally taste like HEAVEN, I was shocked while I was cooking this and said to myself a couple of times ''this CAN'T be healthy, no, it can't be''. But yes it is and you seriously need to try this!  

Healthy caramel sauce:
(makes less than 1/2 cup so feel free to double the recipe)  

200 ml coconut milk (around 1 cup)
3 tbsp agave syrup 

1/2 tsb vanilla extrakt 
1 small pinch sea salt 

Method: Pour all your ingredients in a small sauce pan and put on medium-high heat. Stir well so the lumps from the coconut milk disappears and all ingredients are mixed. 
When it starts to boil just keep cooking your caramel, don't stir too much, it will take longer time for the sauce to become thick, stir occasionally. This can take up to 5-10 minutes so don't give up. 
When the sauce starts to become thick you will see it, it looks like caramel and if you drag with a spoon in the sauce pan you will see the 'ground' of it. 
Remove the heat and let the caramel cool of (still in the sauce pan) for some minutes before moving it to a jar.

Note: The caramel get's harder once cooled (perfect to bake with) so if you want it runny again heat it up in a microwave for some seconds! 

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